The newly established secondary school is growing every day and now 15 new students are learning with eagerness. 10 students are girls and Mwangaza Group is proud to educate girls, which so often are limited from the learning as they have to help in the house work. Our students are both Christian and Muslim mixed.
Currently, the school is teaching all the basic subjects and in addition it has started teaching reasoning and arts and skills for the students. Last week the students learned how to write poetry and perform spoken word as well as to write with different fonts. They also learned basics of life drawing. In the reasoning class they pondered all the reasons to live and reasons to learn.
Mwangaza school wants to educate youths to have skills in arts, sports, crafts, carpentry etc. in order to make the students strong academically, artistically and practically. The school is trying to identify people’s natural talents and encourage the youths to practice and perfect their skills and abilities. That will enhance their self-esteem and bring a positive balance to the academic studies.